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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

jadusable is gone

well for now atleast.  he announced that he can no longer support that ARG that is the haunted majora mask game.  which is very sad because it was so much fun and very interesting. and now there is the flood of people claiming they knew it was fake. which only makes them look dumber because it was a full blown ARG for weeks now. but alas there is a light at the end of the tunnel for those of you that enjoyed playing it. he did say that its not over forever but just on hold for now. which means it may start up again. but i feel it just might not be the same. like if bush got back together now. too much time my have passed and it would be weird and not as good as we remembered. but  here's to hoping right? i think he's accepting donations now and youcan see his real truth.txt at his ARG site

but sadly its the end of a chapter in what was a really fun and great story. and even if its not your cup of tea i really suggest checking it out it was very well done and was good at sucking in people, well me atleast. and there were tones of chatrooms devoted to trying to fine clues and what they meant.

lastly with everyone playing reach i feel lonely. well i mean i got no one to play with since i'm not a halo fan and everyone is playing it while i'm stuck with ....not halo. don;t get me wrong i played one and played 3 with large group for story coop. but never really a fan. i don't see why its so popular. there are much better shooters out there in my opinion.  tf2, bfbc2, hell even mw2 is better.  but to each their own. i guess i'll just have to wait for the new bfbc2 expansion or rock band 3. real guitar ftw ~


  1. do what u want couse a pirate is free!You're a Pirate!!
    cool!suppin bro :)
    check both my blogs are interesting! ;)

  2. Thanks for the kind comments on my blog :)

  3. That's pretty cool, it's nice to see people putting effort into these weird things like this.

  4. more of this!!

    smoochies n' poopies! :*

  5. Maaan, I was really enjoying it and all the videos.
    Still, at least he'll pick it up again some day.

  6. i play bass, its better than video games :D

  7. haha, i didn't know that?! or did i? good post anyway :D

  8. Never knew that kinda sucks though anyway thanks buddy
